Monday, August 8, 2011

Moving is good, being moved is better.

The last couple have weeks have been uber stressful, perhaps more stressful than I can adequately explain. But hey, there is no need to go into depressing details, lets focus on the awesomeness that is our life.
We have a home. We have a wonderful home. We signed the lease last night.
I am so excited to move so my kids (and I) can be a little less stressed. They have been living in a war zone for the last few weeks. And the last couple days have been close to total chaos.Luke has helped a lot with packing. He has packed all sorts of things in unsuspecting boxes. I can't wait to unpack and discover the cheerios and cell phones that have been stuffed in the box tops.So lets just say they keep me on my toes. This is how Luke helped this morning. He was packing Coco Cripsies...

P.s. I like new beginnings