Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Luke's Birthday

Luke shared his birthday with a couple of other special events, his cousin Seth's Birthday and the BYU-UTAH game. We went to our friends, Ali and Brads house to watch the game and celebrate. Luke however, does not do well with football game so he spent the majority of his party sleeping. So when he got up to open presents he was little groggy and didn't want to play with Morgan and Addie very much. But he had lots of fun sitting on Daddy's lap and playing with him. He loved his Cheetos and his Elmo plush. But we didn't end up giving him his cake until we got home and that is why he looks so tired in the first picture. We are cutting the video so you can see it all. We gave him his big present a couple days before, it was a sing along stage and he loves it!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pre-Birthday Party Achievement

So we were playing at home a little before going to the BYU/Utah game-Birthday Party and Luke made a new discovery. He can Wave!!!!! oh and he did a little crawling too!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Happy Birthday to My Boys

Happy Birthday!
Yea I love them so much and one is 26 and the other is ONE!!!!!!!!!

My cute boys are both having their birthday this week and since this is my only day with the computer I wanted to do a little post for both of them. Luke's birthday is tomorrow and Andrew's was on Tuesday. So I thought this would be an appropriate time to talk about my cute boys.

First My husband...
Well what can I say about Andrew. Those of you who know him already know he is the nicest guy in the world. But I am so lucky that my husbands main goal in life is to make me happy. I have no idea how I was so lucky to get him for my husband. What can I say? I love him. He also is an incredibly hard worker and is always happy to take out the garbage. He is pretty much my super hero. But lets talk about the important things that make him so wonderful.
-1) He will always finish my plate.
-2) He can talk to anyone anywhere
-3) He has great hair
-4) He makes the best Grits in the world (right after my Grandma Bates)
-5) He tells the best bedtime stories ever!

Next my son...

Well its hard to say things about someone so dynamic. He never grew out of cuddles and is always willing to snuggle mommy and give his daddy a hug. And is pretty much the greatest Baby ever!!! But on top of all that I really have to say how proud of him I am. He is learning so many things and is trying so hard with everything we are working on. He never gives up. He teaches me to be a better more patient person. Lets talk about what make him so great.

-1) As a baby, he has always had a very clear personality. For an example, he will always tell you when he doesn't want to be in a picture:-) I took this on Sunday , I just wanted to take a picture but he wanted to play- not sit on Mommy's lap. I love his face.
-2) He has the best hair ever!!!
-3) He can locate anyone's food and get into it. Note Morgan's fruit loops he discovered while we were in the bathroom.
-4) He can say DAD
-5) He has mad crazy piano playing skills.

I won't post quite as much because his birthday party is tomorrow. And we will post many more pictures!

Andrew schedule has been beyond crazy this past week. He has been trying to finish his independent study class before Tuesday. It has been a series of crazy sleepless nights but we are going to meet the deadline which means that without any unforeseen tragedies we will be graduating in December for sure. Yea, Andrew is so excited for or Thanksgiving break... ah sleep.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Off to find the castle...

Andrew had heard this rumor that there was this castle in Provo (some of you from Provo may know what I am talking about). But on Saturday we went on our weekly sample date to Costco and as we were coming back we decided to see if we could find the "Castle." All we knew was that it was at the end of Center Street on the Mt and supposedly looked like a real castle. Well we drove around for a while. Found it and hiked up to it. To make a long story short. It was and amphitheater built in the 1930's by labors for the WPA (new deal programs). There is apparently quite a few like it. It is now owned by the state. It is a wonderful space and we were so disappointed to hear Sweeney Todd had closed the night before. It would be way fun to see it done on this stage. It was a really great space the stage was nice and there was quite a bit of seating. But the best part was the view . This is Andrew and Luke on the stage. The place had a couple of photographers taking engagement and bridal pictures. It was so beautiful especially with the leaves.
Andrew was sad he hadn't heard about this place earlier, it would have been fun to take me on a date here as a surprise. It was really pretty! So if you are looking for something to do in Provo think about it. The rest are just some fun pictures we took that day. Enjoy~

Ps. His pants are not as short as they look.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween

On Halloween Luke and I went with our friends to trick-or-treat at the Provo Town Center. Rosie and Brian dressed their daughter, Allison up as purple monster. Pretty much the cutest purple monster ever! And it was very entertaining. I think they were most interested in seeing all the other kids dressed up. It was neat to watch Allison figure out that if she said "treat" or held out her bucket people put stuff in it. She then discovered a sucker in her bucket and preceded to eat through the wrapper without mommy's help. It was so messy-fun I had to post a picture.

Then we went back to their house and made yummy pizza's, apple cobbler and played CSI the board game. (its a very long board game) It was really fun and so low key. But the best part of the whole night is that Luke fell asleep at 6:30 and slept in the pack-n-play until we went home at 11:30. Happy Halloween all!