Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dear Luke

Dear Luke,
Sometimes I underestimate you. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am that you are my son. Today was the last day of school and I visited your class. I was amazed at how much you have grown, how independent you have become. I think sometimes I forget what a special little kid you are. Every where you go people comment on what a wonderful boy you are. That you have such a happy, pleasant and loving disposition. You are a little ray of light. I forget how much you love people and how loved you are by others.
Sometimes I forget how patient you are. I forget that you try so patiently to speak to me and although I can't understand you, you quietly take me by the hand and show me. I am sorry I am not always as patient with you as you are with me.
Sometimes I forget how brave you are. You are so brave to try new things. Things that don't feel good but you trust and are brave enough to try. Thank you for trusting me, that even though these things don't feel good now that they will help you.
Sometimes I forget how much you know. You are so smart. I was so so proud of you today. I love you. I will remember and do more. I promise.
I love you buddy,

P.S. You rocked your first year of preschool. :-)

Today's Goodbyes
Miss Jamie has been so wonderful for you. You have learned more than I could have ever imagined. She loves you so much!"Grandpa Chuck"
He made everything better. He loves you so so much. I can't thank him enough, the bus has been your favorite pat of school.You were so sad to say Goodbye to him. But he loved the Thank You card we made him.
The Portfolio Miss Jamie made for You


Andra said...

This post was beautiful. It made my whole day. I want to be more like Luke.

Ami said...

So sweet!! We should all be more like Luke.