Sunday, January 20, 2008

So sorry it has taken so long... but here we are.

I am so sorry it has taken so long but we have been in a state of partial moving for a little over a month now. Half of our things are in storage at my parents house, part boxed in storage here at Andrew's parents house and the other part coving every inch of our car. We have unpacked just enough room for me and the baby seat to squeeze into the back seat. So it has definatrly been a transition. We are able to move into our house in February and are so excited. Luke is growing so so much and on the 8th he smiled for the first time!! Our Camera is packed away so please be patient as we get our things unpackedHe has had diarrhea for the past couple of days so it has made for an unhappy baby and a very tired mommy.


Allison said...

Glad to hear from you again! I hope that your new home will be ready for you so you can get out of the suitcase living!

Scott said...

Its good to hear you made it. What an adventure.

Beattie Family said...

Thanks for the post on my blog, I'm looking forward to hearing more from you soon. good luck moving, the only good thing about moving is being done.

Anonymous said...

It's SO good to hear from you! I'm glad you guys are doing well! Hope you are having a good time!

Becca said...

you gotta call me! when does your contract start? i am planning on moving stuff this weekend? how does that sound? is that okay? call me asap 310-5030--becca

Anonymous said...

Come see my website!!! !

Shelly said...

Our thoughts and hearts are with you three always. Love ya!

Binns Family said...

Kristi, it's Amy, your old roommate from Ricks. I found your blog from Jamie's. You have such a cute family! We had a baby just a few days after you. Pretty exciting. I am so glad to get caught up with you. Our blog is