Wednesday, April 30, 2008

He Rolled!!!!!!!

Yes, I am so so so proud of my son! He rolled from his tummy to his back all by himself today. This might sound simple but it is a big milestone for our little one. His motor skills have been behind and this is a huge jump. We havereally been working hard with him on the excercises and it is just such a blessing! Oh he also had his repeated hearing screening today and evrything looks great! Yea Yea Yea!!!! I am so so happy.

**In these videos his eyes look really really tired. This is because we had been rolling for almost a half hour! (thats a lot for a little tyke) he is now resting from his intense workout this morning!

There is a second video coming keep checking back


Kailey Boucher said...

GOOD JOB LUKE!!! i knew you could do it!!!

Cori said...

Little Luke!!!! I'm so proud of you and Mommy for pushing through tummy time each day! It's been well worth it. You'll have to show me all your new tricks when I see you next month!

Lynn and Shelly said...

Good job Luke! Exercising doesn't come any easier when you get old either. ;) It is always nice though to have loved ones to depend on to help you through the ups and downs of exercising and life.

Keep up the good work, Andrew, Kristi and Luke!

Love you all.

Binns Family said...

Good for's so fun to see them learn new stuff.

Scott said...

That's Awesome!!! It is so much fun when they reach little mile stones. I'm also glad to see that you guys are all free of IV's and stuff like that. Health is a wonderful thing. :)

Anonymous said...

Hooray Luke! Tummy time does pay off and the little things mean the most! I love you Krist, it is so worth it and the extra mommy therapy times do pay off!!! Keep smiling, and rolling!

Adam and Andrea Daveline said...

Way to go Luke!!! You are doing such a great job!

And way to go Mommy! You are pulling through this amazingly well!

Devony said...

Hooray! That's so awesome that he rolled over! Congrats and good job working with him! You've obviously done great with him!

Rachel said...

Huzzah for Lukie Lukerton and his adorable mommy!!!

LittleFamilyJL said...

Luke is such a stud! That is great to hear about his rolling abilities. My guess is that he heard on the news a few days ago that the Olympics is only 100 days away, and therefore started ramping up his workouts. Victory!