Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What a wonderful day.

I have always loved reading other people's "Thankful Thursday" or "Sunshine Sunday" Posts. They make me happy. But for some reason I have never gotten around to actually posting one. But lately I have been so grateful. And never more so than today. So last night while Andrew was at work I got the most incredible headache. (the kind that make you sick) I have gotten them only once or twice since and both since I have had Luke. But anyways, because of this I slept in quite late this morning. And when I awoke it was to a fed and dressed baby and my cute husband saying "get in the car" "quick" I put on some shorts and flip flops and we headed out to our adventurous day. He took me up a beautiful canyon in Springville named Hobble Creek. He had gone and got me my favorite food (kneaders, yum!!) And planned a picnic for us on one of the most beautiful days of the year. We ate our sandwiches and read Tom Sayer out loud to each other. After a while, Luke and Andrew played on the swings as I napped on the blanket. Then he took me to an antique shop (talk about a man who loves me) This is one of my passions I love antiquing and have not gone in ages. I loved loved loved it. It was so thoughtful and helped me to appreciate just how beautiful it is here in Provo. But I just love playing outside with my little family. They are pretty much thr greatest!

Sorry these aren't our pictures from today the camera ran out of batteries just as we got there.


Lynn and Shelly said...

It sounds like the most splendid fun-filled day. A day full of fantastic memories. - - We love you all!

Anonymous said...

Provo really does have so many beautiful areas to explore, I'm glad you had such a wonderful day! That first picture looks like the view from Angel's Landing in Zion's. Thanks for sharing, families are the best!!!

Devony said...

What a sweet hubby! Glad you had such a fun day!

Adam and Andrea Daveline said...

What a wonderful day! Thank you for sharing it!

Chantelle said...

I love antique shops, too! What a great thing to learn about you, although I should have already known from your vintage clothing collection...! ( ;