Friday, May 1, 2009

May Day

Hello Hello Everyone. I know it has been over a month since I last posted. But thanks for sticken' with us. Our lives have been crazy in the past month, wonderful but crazy. So a little about this month oh, where should we start? How bout with Luke...

Walker Walker Walker!!!
As seen above... a couple of weeks after we got our dafos (ankle braces) Luke's physical therapist recommended we get him a walker. We weren't super excited right at first but ever since we got it we have loved it. Its to help him move forward without holding on to our fingers and with out support for his core. (Luke's weakest part) It really helped right at first but the past week or so Luke would just rather crawl and get places faster rather than walk. To walk or not to walk, what do you do?:-) But overall Luke has been doing absolutely Fabulous. He has been holding on to some chest congestion so we took him in today to change up his asthma meds so hopefully that all clears up. And we just started speech therapy which has been great. He can say Daddy, baba, hi and sometimes K'vn and what does he call me do you ask... ma- ma - ma-daddy. Yep I don't get my own word just ma- tagged to the front of Daddy:-) He also has started signing and does more when he wants more food or drink. I love it he is so stinkin cute. He has started to wave at other little kids when we pass by and I love it. Oh and did I mention he is finally completely on Sippy Cups. YEEEAAA! So he is basically my joy except the fact he doesn't want me. Yep its true when I come home he clings t daddy starts to cry and pushes me away. Where do I come home from, do you ask? well

I got a new job...

My Life as Costco Model

Yes its true. I was looking for jobs for Andrew online and came up with one of my own. I work for a dress company called Mikarose. It is based here in Orem and sells mostly online and at bridal boutiques. However, a couple times a year they do a Costco Roadshow. This is where I come in. I wear the dresses and talk to the people. Yep that's my job. It really has been wonderful for our little family. Most of the time I work in the mornings and get home just in time for Andrew to leave for Red Robin. And for those days I don't make it home in time, Luke gets to spend some extra time with his Uncle Kevin. And he loves his uncle! I only work for about two months. Just enough time for us to work all of the surrounding costco's (I think they might be looking for someone for one week in both Pocatello and Twin Falls so if you are interested let me know) Its great. I have loved dressing up and taking to adults. But I have to admit I am kind of excited to be home again and get my house in order. But overall it has been a great for us all. Luke has loved spending the extra time with Daddy. And I have enjoyed working. I also get to work with a friend from BYU-I/Playmill/Disney, Amy Shreeve Keeler which also makes the whole thing that much greater!

Lets see other things...

Andrew has been able to stay quite active lately he joined a Fraternity football league and is up for MVP for the most touchdowns he is amazing. Oh and no he is not in the frat. A guy he works with is the Fraternity President and asks Andrew to play in the league. Andrew love it it is hardcore.

Also today he joined a softball tournament as a fundraiser for Primary Childrens Hospital. He was awesome. Luke and I went and cheered him on it was so much fun. This is a movie of us right after at the park. Look at those tummy muscles, we were so proud of him. We think he might have hidden bull-riding-talent. Andrew is standing about a half foot behind Luke so he is holding on all by himself. Luke is ProShow at seesaw.

As for the Job Front
Things are going better and we have expanded our search to new fields. We have had a few promising leads but we are keeping them quiet until we see if they pan out. So if it happens we will let you know. In the mean time Andrew became a CDT at work and we have loved that. He is such an amazing server. I try not to brag about my husband but he really is amazing. I think it is the fact he is so good with people and naturally so happy. Its great being married to someone that nice!

Other Stuff
Thank you to everyone for the prayers and support for my mom and our family. My Mom had to have some surgery recently and everyone has been so awesome both here and in Idaho Falls. She is doing great! Let me just tell you my mom is my favorite person. My day is not complete until I have called her. And since I talk to her every day she is the first to remind me how long it has been since I posted. So here it is a video just for Grandma. It isn't anything special, just him showing off his demolished play corner. Yeaa for movies. ( I know the picture might seem like a strange picture to post but it is one of my favorites of me and my mom. She is helping me get ready for my wedding. I love it )

And on a last note a month or so ago I posted a little about my best friend Alli her husband Kyle, and their little baby Grant . Grant is now six weeks old and has had more ups and downs than we would have liked. They haven't left the hospital yet and it looks like it might be a while before they do. Grant has had a few episodes in the past week or so that has made his condition a little more serious. He has been such a trooper and is doing his best to keep up with hi little body. Again please keep them in your prayers particularly little Grant. I had a couple of you ask how they can help. I don't really know particularly what they need but this post explains one way to help.

Well I guess that is all. I will post more often- promise- I will try. Happy day!


Kjersti said...

I love you and your family! That is all!

Scott and Amber said...


Thank you so much for posting a way to help Ali and Grant. I have been following her blog since you included it on yours. Thank you for being so thoughtful. You and Ali are such an inspiration to me! You are both totally amazing moms!

Devony said...

Hooray for a post! Love the pic of you & Luke! What a little cutie! I love his fuzzy hair!

Adam and Andrea Daveline said...

Hooray for the updates, hooray!