Saturday, October 23, 2010

Friday with Mommy

This week has been a little difficult on my boys. Its been getting colder, daddy has been gone, and I have been super busy with things. Not to mention the fact that Luke was absolutely stir crazy. Sooo we decided to have a play day.

Game #1 "We all fall down.."

Many people might call this game "Ring Around the Rosies". But to Luke the object of this game is to run around until you hear the words "we all fall down". Then he drops to the floor and laughs hysterically. He LOVES it. I know its a blurry picture but I just love how happy his face is.Clark during "we all fall down"Game #2 Run Up and Down the Hill

This game is played exactly like that. You run down the hill yelling then walk up slowly. I think it might be his favorite feature of our back yard.
Clark and I got a little bored during this game and started one of our own.After we played in the back yard for a bit it was time for Kristen to come over and Luke to have a little SI Jello Therapy. He wouldn't touch it at first but warmed up to it better than I could have ever hoped.
Clark and me showing off our cuteness


Megan and Ben Smith said...

Love it! So happy that you are doing well.

Chantelle said...

Kristi, you are the prettiest thing ever! Lucky duck. And that's so cool to see Luke having a ball with the blue jello--I especially liked how he had to pick up the few pieces on his one side to add them to the pile! hahaha! Next up for sensory experiences: raw ground hamburger. OH YEAh! (Urgh!) Clark looks so content. cute boys!