Thursday, November 8, 2007

My new favorite passtime

Ode to vacuuming, how I love thee!!!!!!
Can I just tell you the last few weeks of pregnancy are full of many strange feelings, excitement, nervousness, but my favorite feeling is the wonderful overwhelming urge to clean!!! I love it, especially my new very favorite cleaning passtime, VACUUMING!!!!! I can't explain it!!! It gives me almost a bit of a thrill. I love to push the vacuum and see if I can make all the vacuum lines go the same direction. (Do you know what I mean? The lines look different when you push the vacuum forward and when you pull the vacuum back.) I like the look of pushing, not so much the pulling. I try and see if I can make all the carpet look that way. Luckily we only have the 2 rooms in our house that have carpet. I wish I got the same sort of thrill from mopping, but alas, I really have no desire to clean tile.

There is also one small draw back to my new passtime. For our wedding we where given the most wonderful vacuum a Smart Vac. I love it! It is so light it almost pulls itself and it gets absolutely everything. However, I had to leave it when we moved. (there wasn't any room in the Accord)

Here we have a Royal Dirt Devil. I think it was made in the mid 90's. It doesn't have an on/off switch so you just control it by plugging it in. It also takes most of my body weight to push it.
Oh how I miss my old vacuum, I feel like I never took full advatage of it when I had the chance. And now its in storage in Idaho. SIGHHHHHHHH, I will return to it soon.

I am feeling fabulous, and my last
day of work is Saturday. The baby is just hanging out and he and I are growing and doing great. I think I will miss being pregnant, but I am so exciting for him to come. I can't believe it is coming so close.


Anonymous said...

Kristi, having the need to feel clean is called "nesting" and that usually happens right before your baby is born. I remember the night before I had my first I was cleaning cupboard doors and doors in my house and the next morning, my water broke and my baby was born..You're close! Good Luck!

Devony said...

Ha ha! I just love that you try to get the vaccum lines the same way! Good luck with everything!

Allison said...

Yikes!!! Here we come!! I love you and miss you! Good luck with the baby!!! (call me at the hospital if you get bored waiting!!)

Abby said...

Can we say "nesting"? Hang in there, and you'll enjoy your vaccum lines when you're sitting on the couch breastfeeding. :)

mom Lisa said...

STOP_IT! No more cleaning. Lay down and take it easy. I don't get there until the 19th - Remember? Grandma says do whatever you can so he will stay in there for 10 more days. Lova ya

Anonymous said...

Good for you. I never "nested". Aunt Robynne has that love of lines in her carpet. Good Luck! We Love You guys! If your luck it will go fast like your mom's.

Darci said...

I love the lines, too! And I am horrible during nesting time! He is coming soon, yeah! Can't wait to meet him and so you!

Shelly said...

Kristi & Andrew, We Love you both and are so excited to see the beautiful face of our new nephew. He's a lucky guy to have great parents like you!... Your #1 and most favorite, Aunt ever ... (Shelly) :)