DEaR GrANdma,
MoMmy anD dAddY haVe noT PoSTed eNOuGh... So i aM doiNG iT MySelF !!!
ThIs is A viDeo of Me wIth mY nEw ElmO. My really cool Grandma sent it to me
This is me eating my new favorite food. Chocolat chip cookies :-)
LasT NighT We weNt To bRidal VeIl FaLLs FoR faMily hOme EvenING. It wAS fun HEre Are SomE pIctures.
ThEse arE picTures Of me afTer thE vaCuuM attaCked mE.
(note from Kristi)- The vacuum did not attack Luke. He has decided he is mortally afraid of it. And when I turned it on yesterday to get a spider, it upset him so much he proceeded to through up all over himself and my house- he litterally cried for almost a half hour. And then would not come into the room if it was out. And when he came back in he would only sit in the chair. But he was happy after I changed his clothes and let him sit in Daddy's chair.
This Is a video of me while I was getting over the Pig Flu. Its sad, but I thought you might want to see it.
So many parts of that were so funny and so sad. Glad that you finally updated (or Luke did).
Luke had the swine flu? so sad...
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