Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happening on the Hilltop

Sorry I haven't blogged in so long, we are moving this week and our house is in all states of chaos. However, Luke seems to like some of the disorder. Look at his face :-)
So I thought I would do a quick update of our little family. Starting with...
Many of you have asked about the results of the MRI we blogged about. I held off giving info until we had all of the information ourselves. Luke had an appointment this week with the neurosurgeon and the pediatric neurologist at Primary Childrens to discuss some of the abnormalities found on his MRI. It was a really long appointment but went really well. We got a lot of answers that can help us better understand some of his special needs. And we got a lot of comforting information regarding Luke's Chiari Malformation. This was an unexpected find on the MRI and caused me a lot of anxiety in my last month of pregnancy. But I am happy to say that as of right now the neurologist considers Luke's Chiari to be asymptomatic. Meaning: unless he develops more symptoms we don't have to worry about it. Yay! It was a really great appointment. We are meeting with just a couple more doctors who do genetics an metabolics and the we are done. Luke is happy about that!
Before his appointment in Salt Lake, Andrew and I took Luke to play at one of Andrews favorite childhood parks. It was the perfect way to start the day.Also Luke is obsessed with music. So this week I got him his very own little CD Player. He loves it! Luke woke me up with a kiss last night. It melted my heart, he is the sweetest boy.CLARK
What has Clark been up to? Well mostly just hanging out. Literally. Hahaha. I am so funny!Oh and he's been crying... and sleeping. Ahhhhhhhh.Did I mention he is huge? It's amazing I thought I would always be comparing where Luke was to where Clark is. But I don't. I'm happy about that. I am so grateful to have a healthy baby. Baby Clark is healthy, he is chubby, he screams when he is unhappy. He is everything I could ask for I love him. I love my boys!


Aubrey Jane said...

Cute boys! I love how you are always so optimistic Kristi, you are a great Mom!

Teresa Gashler said...

I'm glad you've been getting some answers and that things are going well. Hey, when do you/did you officially move? Need any help moving things or unpacking? Let me know :D Ariah and I are coming to the library every Tuesday, so I can't wait to see you there.

Ben, Ashley, and Nate said...

That's so good to hear about Luke! And Clarke is adorable. I still need to see him; I just saw him from a distance today:). I second Teresa--when and how can we help? Hope you guys are doing well!

Naomi, Art, Hyrum, Jude, and Esa said...

We miss you guys!!!

Megan said...

I am so glad your appt went well. What a relief! You have a beautiful family and I am excited to come over tomorrow to help get you closer to being my neighbor!