Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Almost Full Term

We are 36 weeks. Yea, can you believe it? The baby has dropped and I am so excited for him to be here. Andrew and I have been keeping busy and can't believe how fast time has passed.
We decided we probably should get serious and pack our suitcase because most baby's come between 37 and 41 weeks and we haven't even started. So better safe then sorry. However, I would still like to say I can not find any slipper socks. So if anyone finds a conservative, cute pair out west let me know and I will pay you back.
We did our hospital tour, and lactation class this evening, we had basic infant care last night and have our pediatrician and dental classs tomorrow. There is so much information, but I am so happy to learn.
Lots have asked to see my stomach so we took this picture. ( I wanted everyone to see my stomach) I have grown like crazy in the last couple of days. Its amazing!!! I am like expando-girl :-)


Cori said...

I am SO excited for a baby nephew to fawn over (from afar) and buy things for. I am thinking up all sorts of good petnames for him. So far I like "Frank," you know, like his dad.

A suggestion - could you post the address of your hospital, in case anyone wanted to send flowers while you are there.

When you say "stylish" slipper socks, does that include bright green with little cheese shaped ridges on the bottom? That's a popular style out here.

Ali said...

You are such a cute pregnant girl! At 36 weeks I was about twice the size of you and I definitely was not smiling like that!

Hope all is well and that things go smoothly for you. Enjoy sleep while you can!

Allison said...

YAY for an almost baby! It is crazy, I have three different friends all due about the same week you are! I am excited for you!

Anonymous said...

You look great!! The hospital alway had slipper socks when I delivered. They weren't cute, but they kept my piggies warm. Good Luck with the delivery.