Friday, October 3, 2008

Basicly the bestest blue-eyed baby ever!

I had never really noticed how amazing blue Luke's eyes are but as I was sitting feeding him the other day I was like, My goodness little one your eyes are the same color as your chair... and I thought, I should take some pictures...
He has also had some major feeding breakthroughs this week. He use to have trouble with different textures and would not chew or eat thing he didn't like the conconsistency. He does like to chew (only not on food, he is a very good chewer on everything else:-)

But these past few weeks we have moved on to rices, graham crackers and Cheerios. Yea for Luke! He also has had difficulties with drinking from a plane cup so we go this magic slow flow cup that teaches them to swallow rather that suck. Needless to say I am so proud of my hansom little man. Oh and he might get his helmet off on the 8th. (keep your fingers crossed)

And the best news of the week. We took Luke in for a chest X-ray this week and all the congestion had completely cleared. This means the medication is working and that they think they correctly diagnosed his Asthma. We are ecstatic. He is doing Fabulous! I will post more soon. There is lots more too share!


Kailey said...

YAY! first one to comment :P
i love the last picture thats really funny guys!

Harper said...

Cute kiddo! :)

Lynn and Shelly said...

Small accomplishments are so big. Congratulations Luke!!! I think mom gets a shinning star too! You are so lucky Luke to have the mom you do. Luke, tell your mom (and dad) that Auntie Shelly loves them sooo much, and that she also loves you!

Luke, yesterday we met and loved cousin Seth Ming Cheol. He told us to tell you 'hi'!

Adam and Andrea Daveline said...

Yeah for Luke!!!! I am so happy for him. He is making such great progress. I hope you guys get to come out here sometime. I want to cuddle this little guy!

Rosie said...

I love that 3rd picture. Too cute!